Partial And Full Dentures. Free Consultations!


What is a denture?

Dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They are used when a person has lost some or all of their natural teeth for various reasons, such as decay, gum disease, trauma, or age-related factors. Dentures help restore the appearance and functionality of the mouth, allowing individuals to chew, speak, and smile with greater ease.

What types of dentures are available?

There are two main types of dentures:

  1. Complete / Full Dentures: Or, full dentures in Croydon are used when all natural teeth are missing. They consist of a full set of artificial teeth mounted on an acrylic base that resembles gum tissue. Complete dentures are custom-made to fit the patient's mouth and rest on the gums, supporting the facial muscles and improving facial aesthetics.

  2. Partial Dentures: Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain in the mouth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth attached to a metal or acrylic framework, which holds the denture in place by clasping onto the remaining natural teeth. Partial dentures fill in the gaps left by missing teeth and help prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of position.

  3. Implant Supported Dentures. All on 4 dentures or teeth.

What is the procedure for traditional dentures?

The process of getting dentures typically involves several steps:

  1. Dental Examination: The prosthodontist examines the patient's oral health and discusses the best treatment options for replacing missing teeth.

  2. Impressions: Accurate impressions of the mouth are taken to create a mould for constructing the dentures.

  3. Trial Fitting: A preliminary set of dentures (wax try-in) is created to check fit, appearance, and comfort. You may be able to make adjustments at this stage to ensure a proper fit.

  4. Final Fitting: The final fitting occurs once dentures are fabricated in a dental laboratory. The prosthodontist ensures the dentures fit well and function properly in the patient's mouth.

Adjustment Period: It may take some time for patients to adjust to wearing dentures. Initially, there may be some discomfort or difficulty with speaking and eating, but most individuals adapt to their new dentures with practice.

Dentures require regular care and maintenance. Proper cleaning, soaking, and regular dental check-ups are essential to keep them in good condition and ensure a healthy mouth.

What is the procedure for implant-supported dentures?

Implant-supported dentures, also known as implant-retained dentures or overdentures, are a type of dental prosthesis used to replace missing teeth when a person has lost most or all of their natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw. Unlike traditional removable dentures, which rely on suction, adhesive, or the natural structure of the mouth for stability, implant-supported dentures are anchored in place by dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone. Here's how implant-supported dentures work and their advantages:

How Implant-Supported Dentures Work:

  1. Dental Implants: Typically, four to six dental implants are strategically placed in the jawbone to anchor the denture. These implants act as artificial tooth roots.

  2. Abutments: These connector pieces are attached to the dental implants once they have integrated with the jawbone. These abutments protrude slightly above the gumline and serve as attachment points for the denture.

  3. Custom Denture: A customised denture is designed to fit precisely over the abutments and secure to them through various mechanisms, such as clips, snaps, or other retention systems.

Advantages of Implant-Supported Dentures:

  1. Stability and Security: Implant-supported dentures are incredibly stable and secure in the mouth. They don't shift or move during speaking or eating, providing a more natural and comfortable experience.

  2. Improved Chewing Ability: With traditional dentures, chewing efficiency may be limited. Implant-supported dentures restore much of your natural biting and chewing ability, allowing you to eat a wider range of foods.

  3. Enhanced Speech: Traditional dentures can sometimes affect speech due to their movement. Implant-supported dentures remain stable, leading to better speech clarity.

  4. Prevent Bone Loss: Dental implants, by mimicking the function of natural tooth roots, help preserve the jawbone's density and prevent the bone loss that often occurs when teeth are missing.

  5. Durability and Longevity: Implant-supported dentures tend to be more durable and longer-lasting than traditional dentures. They can last for many years with proper care.

  6. Comfort: The stability of implant-supported dentures can eliminate sore spots and discomfort associated with traditional dentures.

  7. Improved Self-Confidence: Implants-supported dentures' natural look and feel can boost your self-confidence and overall quality of life.

It's important to note that implant-supported dentures offer numerous advantages but require a more involved and longer treatment process than traditional dentures. The placement of dental implants typically involves oral surgery, and the integration of implants with the jawbone takes time. Additionally, the cost of implant-supported dentures is typically higher than that of traditional dentures.

To determine if implant-supported dentures are a good option, consulting with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is essential. To create a personalised treatment plan, we can assess oral health, bone density, and individual needs.

What are the benefits?

While dentures offer a functional and cost-effective solution for missing teeth, they may provide different stability than natural teeth or dental implants. In cases where dental implants are suitable, implant-supported dentures may be recommended for improved stability and retention.

Denture aftercare

Caring for your dentures is just as important as caring for natural teeth. Both full and partial dentures are removable, and it is not recommended to be worn at night. This gives your gums a chance to rest and allows your saliva to lubricate your gums and mouth naturally. Dentures must be cleaned overnight using special toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush or brush. Be careful when cleaning not to drop your dentures on a hard surface; this is a frequent cause of denture breakage. We recommend laying out a towel or filling the sink basin with water while you clean your dentures. Dentures should be soaked overnight in a denture solution to keep them moist, as drying out may cause brittleness.